Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Half sibling found via Donor Sibling Registry?

Last night I registered myself onto the Donor Sibling Registry. Upon searching the donor database I immediately found a listing for the same donor that we successfully used to conceive our kids. It appears that a little girl was born in 2003 and that she would be a half sister to our kids.

My registration to the site had some glitches so I was not yet able to register my kids or to make initial contact with the site user that registered the matching donor listing so confirmation yet.

To say we are very excited about this is an understatement. About a year ago or so after learning about this site from the Oprah show we checked it out but found no matches. I am unsure why we did not register at that time. I thought we did. Apparently this listing was only posted about two months ago so that explains why in 2004 I saw no listing.

I wonder how this girl's family will react when they check the registry and see that there is a match. I only found this listing around 11pm last night and I needed sleep. Today I will figure out the next steps.

We're still working on slowly telling our son about his own path into the world. I will want to speak to a professional before ever telling him he has a half sister out there. My wife is already wondering if there are more kids out there.


Julia said...

Congratulations on finding a match on the DSR site. My daughter has 7 half sibs (one more on the way) in total and we've me the kids from two of the families already. She was 3 yrs when we made contact with the first family and nearly 4yrs when we met the sibs. I explained it to her in simple terms and she seemed to "get it" right away. One boy we see a few tiems a year and the others live far away. So far its been a very positive experience. I look forward to keeping connected with these families over the years. All the parents are in agreement to let the kids take the lead as they get older.

DI_Dad said...

Thank you AmeliasMama2000. Being new to blogging I am curious how you found my blog? Thanks again.

Julia said...

Someone on the yahoo sperm donors list serve listed your url among others

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd say hello! I found your site doing a Google search on "donor sibling." I had just registered with DRS and was playing around to see what else was out there.

I think it's very cool that you're doing this particular blog!

So far, no match for us, but I know from the sperm bank that our son has nine half-sibs in six families. Time will tell!

Take care!